Flaxton Family Funday 2006 – 2014

For some years May Bank Holiday was marked in Flaxton by the Funday. Organised by a team of villagers, it provided free entertainment and refreshments on the Kell for youngsters (and all Flaxton’s young-at-heart).

There were races (and prizes), bouncy castles and ice creams. A particular feature was the sack-throwing, and the afternoon always ended with a mammoth rounders match. The fun continued into the evening with a BBQ at the Blacksmiths Arms. The photos here are from 2010 to 2015, and include some from the 2012 Diamond Jubilee, when the afternoon and evening sessions followed the popular Funday formula.

Gary Mitchell used to mow and prepare the Kell ready for the big day and organised the races with support from other Gait Keepers.  The egg and spoon race pictures are from 2006.

Pictures and introduction kindly provided by Brian Gillie and Gill and John Ramsden