
The key policies and procedures which govern the operation of the council are provided below.

Policy/ProcedureDocument For Download
Crime and Disorder Policy – Defines how the Council meets its responsibilities under Section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 Download FPC Crime and Disorder Policy
Biodiversity Policy – Defines how the Council meets its biodiversity obligations Download FPC Biodiversity Policy
Advertising Policy – Defines the management of advertising on the website and noticeboard Download FPC Advertising Policy
Risk Register – The Council maintains a risk register which is reviewed annually or when there is a significant change. Controls and measures are then implemented to mitigate the identified risks. Download FPC_Risk Register_2024
Co-Option Policy – Defines the process for filling a vacant Councillor position when no by-election has been called. Download FPC Co-option Policy
Complaints Procedure – Defines the procedure for handling a complaint received by the council Download FPC Complaints Procedure
Dispensation Procedure – Defines the procedure for allowing a council member to speak or vote on a council motion when they have a disclosable interest in the matter. Download FPC Dispensation Procedure
Financial Regulations – Financial Regulations govern the financial management by the Council and set out how the Council meets its responsibilities. The regulations and procedures apply to all members and employees in the work they do for the Council. Download FPC Financial Regulations
Health and Safety Policy – Defines the council’s Health and Safety (H&S) policy including the H&S obligations of contractors employed by the council. Download FPC Health and Safety Policy
Internal Controls Checklist – Lists the independent checks to be carried out to ensure that the Council’s financial record-keeping is meeting the Financial Regulations. Download FPC Internal Controls Checklist
Recording Policy – Defines the policy regarding the recording of Council meetings. Download FPC Recording At Meetings Policy
Rules for Public Session – Defines the expected code of conduct for the public and media when allowed to speak in a public session of a council meeting. Download FPC Rules for Public Session
Standing Orders – Standing orders are the written rules of the Parish Council. They confirm the Council’s internal organisational, administrative and procurement procedures and procedural matters for meetings. Download FPC Standing Orders