Please see the following consultation, which may be of interest:
On Behalf of the Dales to Vale Rivers Network (DVRN), I am inviting you to take part in our work to refresh the Catchment Management Aspirations for the rivers we cover. The DVRN is a partnership of people, groups and organisations who work together to improve the Swale, Ure, Nidd, Ouse, Wharfe, Wiske and Foss.
We value your opinion and are asking you to spend a few minutes answering question about the river(s) you have an interest in. We would like your views on the priority issues, the projects you would like to see addressing those issues and your thoughts on the work that the DVRN has done to date.
Please can you spend a few minutes answering our questionnaire, either through the webpage below or the attached pack:
On our webpage and in this pack you will find background information on the DVRN and a summary sheet for each river, at the bottom of which is a link to the questionnaire about that river. Please feel free to comment on which ever river(s) you know about and are interested in seeing improvements on
Catchment Management Aspirations Pack.docx