Parish Precept 2021/2022

The Parish Council would like to apologise for an error on this year’s Parish Precept submission which has caused an unintended increase in the Flaxton Parish element of this year’s Council Tax bill.

In December 2020, when considering the budget for the forthcoming year, the Parish Council resolved to hold the Parish Precept at the 2020/2021 level i.e., £3,290.  However, when completing the Precept Request Form a transposition error was made and £3,920 was requested instead of the intended £3,290 resulting in the unintended £630 increase.

In practice, this has increased Council Tax bills for Band G properties by around £8.00 and other Bands less. Band D is around £4.80.

We would like to assure residents that the £630 will be deducted from the 2022/23 Precept Request.  The starting position for next year’s budget and Precept Request will therefore be £2,660, before the need for any additional expenditure is considered.