Worried about the cost of living?
Please see information from North Yorkshire Council below:
If you’re struggling to pay for food and other essentials, there are local schemes and organisations in North Yorkshire which may be able to help or point you in the right direction. You’ll find information about emergency financial support, managing debt, benefit entitlement, energy bills and staying connected all in one place at www.northyorks.gov.uk/costofliving
North Yorkshire Council’s cost of living web page also has information about pension credit, schemes to help families and local community-based support including Warm Welcome spaces as well as advice on staying safe and well.
If you’re less confident with technology and have friends or family who might be able to help you understand what support is available with the cost of living, please ask them to look at the web page with you. You can also go into any North Yorkshire library or North Yorkshire Council office. If you’re not sure who to turn to, you can call North Yorkshire Council’s customer service centre on 0300 131 2 131 Monday to Friday from 9:30am to 4:30pm asking for ‘cost of living help’ when prompted.