Flaxton Environment Group/Big Garden Birdwatch
Flaxton Environment Group
One of the actions proposed in the Flaxton Village Plan was to set up an Environment and Conservation Group. It’s taken a while but a committee has now been established to take this forward under the name Flaxton Environment Group, with the following aims:
- To provide a source of information and expertise to help maintain and enhance the village environment and wildlife.
- To encourage active participation by villagers, including young people, in recording, learning about and conserving the natural environment.
- Work with others to improve the management of common land and other natural areas, where possible, in order to enhance wildlife and environmental value.
Initially, communications will be via the Parish Council alert system and the WhatsApp group as appropriate, but we are aiming to establish a group email in due course for those who are interested in keeping up to date and being involved with the group’s activities. If you would be interested in joining this group please send an email message to with your name as well as your email address. Please also spread the word to others who may not have seen this message. There will also be a section of the Parish Council website Flaxton Environment Group devoted to the Environment Group where we will post information, reports etc as they are produced.
Big Garden Birdwatch
We want to find out more about the habitats, fauna and flora of Flaxton and we are looking into the possibility of getting some professional surveys done. We also want to involve the villagers in collecting information where possible – further information on this in due course. As a first step, if you are planning to take part in the Big Garden Birdwatch, we would be very interested to see your results. In case you aren’t familiar with it, the Big Garden Birdwatch is the largest garden wildlife survey in the world and is run each year in January by the RSPB. This year, it’s happening between the 26th and 28th of January. Full details on how to take part can be found at Big Garden Birdwatch (rspb.org.uk).
If you do take part, we’d be very grateful if you would let us see your results as well as posting them online to the RSPB. Please send us details of where you live, what species you’ve seen and the maximum number of each species seen at any one time. We will put together the results we receive into a short report for Flaxton, which will summarise what was seen but will retain anonymity for those who contributed – we won’t mention any names or addresses of those who took part. This will be available on the Parish Council website and will be copied to all those who contributed.